Written in the Stars

♥ mew's plotter ♥

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don't mind me, just crying over fictional cats

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Post by mew on May 23, 2022 23:39:22 GMT


reply times may vary as my schedule can be chaotic irl! roleplaying is a great passion of mine that i'm trying to ease myself back into, but i am a busy person between work, home life, and a few creative endeavors. i am also trying to focus on my mental and physical health more, so i will be doing my best to maintain a moderate number of threads and characters within my comfort level. however, i'm always open to brainstorming ideas so please feel free to let me know if any of my characters would fit something you'd like to plot ♡

do bear in mind, however, that my plotting style may not be akin to other styles. i very much like to take a more fluid approach to plotting between characters with loose ideas for interactions and relationships. instead, i find it easier to write my characters honestly by going with the flow of an active thread and allow new responses to inspire the relations of my characters as they develop in the story. as a result, you may find that my plotter may be more free-form or open-ended ideas that give a decent enough foundation for a thread, but will still need fleshing out through the thread's responses.

generalized information about a character's personality may be found below to better help establish plot hooks, but more complex information pertaining to each character can be found via their applications or my character tracker [pending update].

♥ current characters ♥

» thistletea ♡ oakclan medicine cat
» pepperpaw ♡ nightclan warrior apprentice
» pollenpetal ♡ dawnclan warrior
» carrot ♡ outsider
Last Edit: Jun 6, 2022 15:41:36 GMT by mew
she/they | cst time zone | plotter

pollenpetal | 18 moons
thistletea | 32 moons
pepperpaw | 7 moons
carrot | 10 moons

Global Moderator

don't mind me, just crying over fictional cats

mew Avatar


Post by mew on May 23, 2022 23:39:54 GMT

he/him • oakclan medicine cat • semi traditionalist - leaning neo era

a lithe black and white harlequin tom with mint eyes

  • male - 32 moons - bisexual
  • suave, flippant, haughty, temperamental, crafty

  • crushes/lovers:: if only as a recipient for now
  • friends:: tentatively open
  • rivals:: encouraged

a prickly prince charming, Thistletea is a selfish and self-involved cat who has little concern for business other than his own, dismissive of whatever happens around him on a regular basis. he fancies company on his own schedule and by his own whims. he's not easy to get along with unless you're equally silver-tongued or otherwise tickle his interests, but even then he is quick to antagonize whomever he wishes; thus enemies are likely to be bountiful. romance seems eons away for the tom in the traditional sense; more akin to an idle thought that would light a fire under his family's nests. he isn't concerned with upkeeping any traditionalist values regarding his profession, and even delights in teasing those who would argue with him over such.

connections craigslist::
  • looking to develop general relations with other members of the clans; preferably oakclan, but others are also welcome
[/font][/ul][/div]plot hooks::
  • salt in the wound - one finds themselves injured and spending an afternoon receiving an earful in thistletea's den
  • time for tea - one finds themselves sharing their downtime in company with thistletea
  • rub some dirt in it - one finds themself on the opposite end of an impromptu sparring session with thistletea

Last Edit: Jun 10, 2022 22:56:16 GMT by mew
she/they | cst time zone | plotter

pollenpetal | 18 moons
thistletea | 32 moons
pepperpaw | 7 moons
carrot | 10 moons

Global Moderator

don't mind me, just crying over fictional cats

mew Avatar


Post by mew on May 23, 2022 23:40:01 GMT

he/they • nightclan warrior apprentice • semi traditionalist

a slim ruddy grey-brown and white tabby with amber eyes

  • male (leans fluid at times) - 7 moons - demisexual
  • rowdy, laid-back, tenacious, empathetic, introspective

  • crushes/lovers:: if so, very much a slow burn
  • friends:: very encouraged
  • rivals:: open

more on the lax side, Peppepaw is a friendly cat who enjoys being social, but also moves to the beat of his own drum and can appreciate quiet time as much as the loud times. he's easy-going and usually vibes at whatever frequency his companions are on, like an amplifier of sorts as he can usually help to uplift the mood of a room den. however, he can still be a cheeky shit and likes to playfully antagonize friends and rivals alike. only those who truly mean harm earn his ire, so it may not be as easy to get on his bad side. when he isn’t romping with friends, Pepperpaw tends to stick to himself in peace as he goes about his clan duties and spends any downtime lounging around camp. Because of his consistency, it allows him to make connections with cats who otherwise may avoid more boisterous apprentices. as romance goes, Pepperpaw seems to show his feelings through tender and sentimental gestures rather than grandiose words. while he may be quick to feel for someone, reaching his heart truly will be a slow burn. they would have to be willing to move at his more hesitant pace as the tom is more concerned with sacrificing his own feelings for the sake of his clanmates’ happiness.

connections craigslist::
  • looking to develop general relations with other members of the clans; preferably nightclan and apprentices, but others are also welcome
[/font][/ul][/div]plot hooks::
  • lofi beats to train to - one finds themselves in pepperpaw's company during training
  • bed of brambles and down - one finds themself sharing a nighttime chat with a restless pepperpaw
  • acorn candy - one finds themself caught up in a squirrel-catching contest with pepperpaw

Last Edit: Jun 22, 2022 17:28:29 GMT by mew
she/they | cst time zone | plotter

pollenpetal | 18 moons
thistletea | 32 moons
pepperpaw | 7 moons
carrot | 10 moons

Global Moderator

don't mind me, just crying over fictional cats

mew Avatar


Post by mew on May 23, 2022 23:40:09 GMT

she/her • dawnclan warrior • dark forest traditionalist

a willowy, doe-eyed dusty cream molly with tufts of curly fur

  • female - 18 moons - pansexual
  • lively, dreamy, playful, nonchalant, vengeful

  • crushes/lovers:: if that's the expectation of her
  • friends:: very encouraged
  • rivals:: open

energetic and endearing, Pollenpetal is an outwardly friendly, albeit a little self-confident cat with the desire to make acquaintances with everyone she encounters. fancy-free and a bit reckless, she has little consideration for things that don't hold her attention, thus she can be a little difficult to work with at times. she's usually found running about the camp or territory looking for things to do or cats to play with, willing participants or not. otherwise, she is hyper-fixating on pushing herself through training as a bid for attention from her superiors. she's too concerned with her own whims to care for the feelings of others, thus love is still too far off for the young warrior, but she is no stranger to daydreaming over those who catch her attention especially those whose praise she craves.

connections craigslist::
  • looking to develop general relations with other members of the clans; preferably dawnclan and dark forest dreamers, but others are also welcome
[/font][/ul][/div]plot hooks::
  • scholomance - one finds themselves in pollenpetal's company during dark forest training
  • petty petals - one finds themself on the wrong side of pollenpetal during a patrol
  • bad seeds and sunshine - one finds themself on the receiving end of pollenpetal's antics

Last Edit: May 24, 2022 1:14:33 GMT by mew
she/they | cst time zone | plotter

pollenpetal | 18 moons
thistletea | 32 moons
pepperpaw | 7 moons
carrot | 10 moons

Global Moderator

don't mind me, just crying over fictional cats

mew Avatar


Post by mew on May 24, 2022 5:03:28 GMT

they/them • outsider • neo era

a small silver-blue moggie with feathery fur and orange eyes

  • agender - 10 moons - pansexual
  • charismatic, gentle, sentimental, shameless, defensive

  • crushes:: if that's the way the river flows
  • friends:: very encouraged
  • rivals:: open

a cheery and amicable cat no matter the social situation, Carrot is usually seen having a good time, be they in the company of others or simply by their lonesome. as it is very often that Carrot gets to encounter others in their walk of life, they are quite fond of any cats they run into regularly. it is almost as if Carrot views anyone who isn't outright aggressive to them as a friend.  these friends can expect to be treated warmly, if not a little over-familiarly. this behavior typically transcends personal creeds, thus while not directly the cause of strife, Carrot's comfort in rubbing shoulders with supposed 'enemies'  by more opinionated friends, leaving the moggie in awkward situations at times. on occasion, this can result in Carrot getting worked up, and depending on the context, the results can vary. normally a bit of a crybaby, the passive cat tends to wilt under pressure. only when their friends are being threatened will Carrot snap into defender-mode and reflect a more proactive nature.

connections craigslist::
  • looking to develop general relations with other members of the clans; clan and outsiders alike

plot hooks::
  • sky teeth - one finds themselves in carrot's company as they take an evening walk in the mountains
  • four-leaved clover - one finds themselves roped into picking clovers in the forest with carrot
  • fishing for whiskers - one finds themselves in a chance encounter with carrot fishing in the swamps

Last Edit: Jul 30, 2024 14:08:55 GMT by mew
she/they | cst time zone | plotter

pollenpetal | 18 moons
thistletea | 32 moons
pepperpaw | 7 moons
carrot | 10 moons

Global Moderator

don't mind me, just crying over fictional cats

mew Avatar



[ Alerts ]
●︎ Clans are reforming and are on high alert
●︎ The high water from melting has created a super green environment. Prey is rather plentiful
●︎ Water levels appear to be rising due the melting snow in Dawnclan
●︎ Weather is very warm, the snow and ice in Dawnclan is melting!
[ Rank Changes ]
●︎ A leader for Nightclan has been chosen! Congrats Skystar!
●︎ Thistletea has been appointed medicine cat of Oakclan

[ Deaths ]


[ Weather Status ]
The air is warm and and wet making it a bit hard to breathe. The hot weather is causing the snow to melt in Dawnclan territory. This is causing water levels to rise.

[ Prey Status ]
Prey is plentiful in all clans!

[ Herb Status ]
The rising water has hidden some herbs in Oakclan and Nightclan but water thriving plants seem to be growing in high abudance!


Leader: Silverbane
Deputy: Reserved (Ameri)
Medicine Cat: Frostbite
Toms: 0 She-cats: 0 Other: 0

Dawnclan Allegiances

Leader: Reserved (Kaz)
Deputy: Reserved (Wolfpool)
Medicine Cat: Thistletea
Toms: 1 She-cats: 0 Other: 0

Oakclan Allegiances

Leader: Skystar
Deputy: Reserved (smith)
Medicine Cat:Reserved (fireflake)
Toms: 1 She-cats: 0 Other: 1

Nightclan Allegiances

Rogues: Toms: 2 She-cats: 0 Other: 1
Loners: Toms: 0 She-cats: 0
Kittypets: Toms: 0 She-cats: 0

Outsider Allegiances


[ Staff ]
⬧︎ Tactical ⬧︎ Admin
⬧︎Mew⬧︎ Moderator
⬧︎Dofferz⬧︎ Moderator


[ Credits ]
⬧︎Site Banner ⬧︎ - Ravenmist
⬧︎Visual Guides ⬧︎- Tactical
⬧︎Site Advertisement⬧︎ - Wolfpool
⬧︎Discord Link⬧︎ - Finny
⬧︎Seasons⬧︎ - SkywardSylphina