Written in the Stars

Timeline History


I have nothing to say.

Tactical Avatar


Post by Tactical on Jul 15, 2021 20:44:58 GMT

Below will be a list of major time lines! This will help when creating a character's history. Your character may have been alive during specific events.


+ Listed from oldest to newest.
+ Listed times may be off by a moon due to our time skips of two moons to a month.
+ Seasons on WitS follow the seasons in real life, so the season will depend on when the thread was made.


+ Any major plots that involved entire Clans or the entire site will be in bold. These are major events that may have shifted the story!
+ “Became medicine cat” means becoming the clan’s primary medicine cat. They may have had their full name before that, but were still considered their mentor’s apprentice until their mentor could no longer fill the role.
+ Bans and allowances of outsiders are only marked if they go against a clan's normal ways.
+ Deaths are only marked if they were significant to drive the story. Such as a death in a war, sickness, death of a high rank etc. Accidental deaths will not be listed.
+ All Clans will have their own response to this thread.
Last Edit: Aug 6, 2021 13:43:47 GMT by KingHarry


I have nothing to say.

Tactical Avatar


Post by Tactical on Jul 15, 2021 20:59:24 GMT

Current Leader:Skystar
Past Leaders: Nightstar, Eveningstar
Current Deputy:
Past Deputies:Redmoss, Condorjaw Duskchaser
Current Medicine Cat:
Past Medicine Cats:Spottedmoth (npc) Paletongue

Event Timeline

+ All cats received their first message from StarClan 120 moons ago
+ Night took like minded cats and formed NightClan 105 moons ago
+The Battle between Oakclan and Nightclan Happened 75 moons ago
+ Nightstar mysteriously vanished 70 moons ago
+ Eveningstar became leader 70 moons ago
+Condorjaw assumed to be eaten by an alligator 71 moon ago
+Duskchaser became deputy 71 moons ago
+ The second battle of Nightclan and Oakclan was 60 moons ago
The great flood that perished the clan was 50 moons ago. This event VERY few survivors.
Nightclan reformed 1 moon ago under Skystar
Last Edit: May 21, 2022 16:28:22 GMT by Tactical


I have nothing to say.

Tactical Avatar


Post by Tactical on Jul 16, 2021 2:11:55 GMT


Current Leader:
Past Leader: Dawnstar, Spiderstar
Current Deputy:
Past Deputies: Tumbleheart, Tigertuft
Current Medicine Cat:
Past Medicine Cats: Darkstorm, Frostbite

Event Timeline

+ All cats received their first message from StarClan 120 moons ago
+ Dawn took like minded cats and formed DawnClan 105 moons ago
+ Dawnstar mysteriously vanished 70 moons ago
+ Spiderstar became leader 70 moons ago
+ Darkstorm died of old age 70 moons ago
+ Wolves invade Dawnclan 60 moons ago
+Tumblerheart was killed by a wolf 60 moons ago
+Tigertuft became deputy 60 moons ago
The great avalanche that left VERY Few survivors was 50 moons ago
Dawnclan was reformed under ______ 1 moon ago
Last Edit: May 21, 2022 16:32:06 GMT by Tactical


I have nothing to say.

Tactical Avatar


Post by Tactical on Jul 16, 2021 2:12:24 GMT


Current Leader: Foxstar
Past Leaders: Oakstar
Current Deputy:Cloudchaser
Past Deputy: Littlebird
Current Medicine Cat:Daisypetal
Past Medicine Cat:Cedarswirl

Event Timeline

+ All cats received their first message from StarClan 120 moons ago
+ Oak took like minded cats and formed OakClan 105 moons ago
+The Battle between Oakclan and Nightclan Happened 75 moons ago
+ Oakstar mysteriously vanished 70 moons ago
+ Foxstar became leader 70 moons ago
+ Cedarswirl the past medicine cat died of old age 69 moons ago
+Littlebird the past deputy died in her sleep 69 moons ago
+Cloudchaser became deputy 69 moons ago
+The second battle between Nightclan and Oak was 60 Moons ago
+The great flood that perished the clan was 50 moons ago. This event VERY few survivors.
+Oakclan was reformed by ______ 1 moon ago

Last Edit: May 21, 2022 21:20:06 GMT by Tactical


[ Alerts ]
●︎ Clans are reforming and are on high alert
●︎ The high water from melting has created a super green environment. Prey is rather plentiful
●︎ Water levels appear to be rising due the melting snow in Dawnclan
●︎ Weather is very warm, the snow and ice in Dawnclan is melting!
[ Rank Changes ]
●︎ A leader for Nightclan has been chosen! Congrats Skystar!
●︎ Thistletea has been appointed medicine cat of Oakclan

[ Deaths ]


[ Weather Status ]
The air is warm and and wet making it a bit hard to breathe. The hot weather is causing the snow to melt in Dawnclan territory. This is causing water levels to rise.

[ Prey Status ]
Prey is plentiful in all clans!

[ Herb Status ]
The rising water has hidden some herbs in Oakclan and Nightclan but water thriving plants seem to be growing in high abudance!


Leader: Silverbane
Deputy: Reserved (Ameri)
Medicine Cat: Frostbite
Toms: 0 She-cats: 0 Other: 0

Dawnclan Allegiances

Leader: Reserved (Kaz)
Deputy: Reserved (Wolfpool)
Medicine Cat: Thistletea
Toms: 1 She-cats: 0 Other: 0

Oakclan Allegiances

Leader: Skystar
Deputy: Reserved (smith)
Medicine Cat:Reserved (fireflake)
Toms: 1 She-cats: 0 Other: 1

Nightclan Allegiances

Rogues: Toms: 2 She-cats: 0 Other: 1
Loners: Toms: 0 She-cats: 0
Kittypets: Toms: 0 She-cats: 0

Outsider Allegiances


[ Staff ]
⬧︎ Tactical ⬧︎ Admin
⬧︎Mew⬧︎ Moderator
⬧︎Dofferz⬧︎ Moderator


[ Credits ]
⬧︎Site Banner ⬧︎ - Ravenmist
⬧︎Visual Guides ⬧︎- Tactical
⬧︎Site Advertisement⬧︎ - Wolfpool
⬧︎Discord Link⬧︎ - Finny
⬧︎Seasons⬧︎ - SkywardSylphina