Written in the Stars

Dry Times | p


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Post by Doge on Sept 9, 2021 1:32:18 GMT

Wispfang watched quietly as a hare plucked through twigs and pine needles. The warrior blinked slowly, he had observed the prey long enough. Might as well take you back to camp. The thought came to him while he crouched and stretched his head. As he got close enough, his muscles tensed up under his long fur coat. The rest was natural and instinctual, he sprang into a brief sprint suddenly before striking the prey with a swift strike from his paw. "Too easy." He muttered and cleared his throat, the leaf-fall air was really dry.

Wispfang perked up as he received a familiar DawnClan scent from the air. Someone else is nearby? He wondered while flicking his tail. The white and gray warrior was out alone, but company would be welcomed. Wispfang hoped that he would be able to receive an apprentice eventually, but knew it wouldn't happen anytime soon. Plenty of warriors he knew had apprentices to train and it gave them something to do. There was disappointment in his thoughts but also he knew eventually getting an apprentice would provide amusement. He looked down at the hare still under his paw, he had forgot to take his claws out of it. The scent of the cat he smelled nearby was getting stronger, they must be approaching where Wispfang was. He glanced up with his blue eyes and took his paw off his catch.


Last Edit: Sept 9, 2021 1:32:29 GMT by Doge

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dofferz Avatar


Post by dofferz on Sept 16, 2021 0:51:24 GMT

it hadn't taken tigertuft too long to figure out that she wasn't the only cat who had picked up on the rabbit near by. its scent had reached her a good while before wispfang's, but the closer that she got to the prey, the more she was aware of his presence. she did not give up the hunt, however; just in case the rabbit spooked and ran into her path, though there was no need to do so. in the near distance, her ears caught sound of the squeak of the rabbit, quickly silenced. the girl. felt herself relax out of her careful steps, and close the small gab between each other. there was no harm in saying hello after all. besides, the two cats hadn't really been too close at all; they had both been apprentices at the same time, but the girl couldn't think off of the top of her head any time that she had interacted with the other warrior outside of business and routine. 

"good catch," the girl says with a smile, pushing herself out into his line of sight. "you weren't the only one on that guy's tail. certainly wasn't his lucky day, huh?" she remarks, gesturing softly towards the rabbit. even if wispfang hadn't been here, the rabbit wouldn't have had a happy ending either way. there was no feeling bad for him though--bellies had to be fed. the chilling of the weather only reminded her of that. dawnclanners were lucky to have their thick coats, but the leaf-bares were all the more brutal up in the mountains. whether or not wispfang notes on the rhetorical comment, she finds herself speaking up once more. "since you were close by, figured i might as well drop in. need an extra set of paws? can't be any harm in double the claws--and what, with the wolf sightings too?" she wasn't any better, considering she too had been out on her own up until this moment, but whatever, right?

tracker || plotting || discord @diff#4733
silverbane, dawnclan leader


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Doge Avatar


Post by Doge on Sept 17, 2021 5:46:04 GMT

Wispfang sat back realizing it was Tigertuft that was nearby. He should of identified the DawnClan deputy's scent quicker but the scent of the hare had masked it slightly. The warrior dipped his head to the deputy in greeting. The two warriors usually only spoke during patrols that Tigertuft organized. His ears flicked as she approached him and complimented his catch. "Thank you, I believe this guy was dead the moment we both left camp." He meowed amusingly. "Need an extra set of paws?" The warrior lifted his blue eyes to gaze at the deputy who offered her company to him. It would be nice to have someone to talk to. He thought to himself as Wispfang was prone to occasionally failing his attempts to hunt. Maybe Tigertuft also catching prey would suffice the hungry mouths the warrior's needed to feed.

"Join me for hunting, I'll protect you from any wolf." Wispfang teased while laughing lightly and took a heroic stance with his fluffy chest forward. It was a joke, but actually he felt like himself and her could send a wolf running if they worked together. They were both strong and young warriors, the deputy was only maybe 2 moons older than him. "I haven't actually picked up any signs of a wolf around, but lets doing some hunting." He reported hoping she wasn't going to offended from the tease.

Fighting a wolf in their current situation would actually not be a smart idea but I'd still do it. Wispfang thought with his tail flicking, despite Frostbite confiding to him about the dry air effecting her herbs. Does Tigertuft know? Should I tell her? He honestly wasn't sure of the what they could do. Only medicine cats could peacefully help each other out over herbs, warriors would probably steal them. Leaf-bare was approaching and going to be a rough if Frostbite's entire stock of herbs dried out.


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dofferz Avatar


Post by dofferz on Sept 21, 2021 20:02:10 GMT

little rabbit didn't stand a chance; it was doomed from the start. the tabby couldn't argue that one, and she smiles softly at his remark. which was only further solidified as he teased her over the wolf comment. tigertuft scoffs (in a lighthearted, amused way), rolling her eyes at his words and newfound. "my hero! now i feel quite safe," she meows, teeth flashing in a grin as she mirrors back the mood. "you must have scared them all off already with your sheer presence." tail tucked and legs pumping. though in all seriousness, tigertuft did hope that the absence of the beast stayed true. whether or not they could take it, it was far too late in the season to be freely getting wounded. she had spoken with bellwing about the herb issue not too long ago, though she hadn't seen the sheer severity of the dwindling supplies in frostbite's den or even talked to the snowy cat firsthand herself. she had no ill will towards the medicine cat, especially as well at her job as she was, but ah.. she hadn't much desire to linger around her and her sharp tongue for too long. getting badly injured now could easily come back to bite their tails later in the season.. or even someone else's.

though that wasn't necessarily on the forefront of her mind. tigertuft was more focused on feeding cat's bellies right now. and standing around was simply wasting daylight. the tabby takes a moment to scent the air, hoping to pinpoint the proximity of another catch. she had heard some secondary rustling in the scarce underbrush a little bit ago, but she had been more focused on the larger rabbit to consider it at the moment. chances were it had likely already noticed her scent and ran. drat. yet another downfall of the cold weather. "wonder where he came from?" she ponders out loud, looking at the limp rabbit. "might be a burrow somewhere?" with this thought and hunting eagles.. well, turns out she was apparently growing increasingly fond of the idea of breaking and entering with each and every new post.

tracker || plotting || discord @diff#4733
silverbane, dawnclan leader


I have nothing to say.

Doge Avatar


Post by Doge on Oct 2, 2021 1:08:09 GMT

Wispfang playfully smirked while the DawnClan deputy called him her hero. It was an exaggerated stretch that one warrior alone could protect the whole clan. However, Wispfang liked to think the wolves wouldn't stray deeper into DawnClan territory. A wolf problem that doesn't come into fruition would be the best outcome for the Clan, despite the tom's desire to get some wolf blood on his paws.
Do wolves even taste good? Wispfang wondered skipping over the actual idea of having to overcome a wolf to kill it in the first place.

"I'd be scared of me too if I was a wolf." Wispfang fluffed himself out before admitting with a chuckle, "Sometimes I scare off prey too, that's the downside." Wispfang traced with his eyes the rabbits trail that both warriors had caught the scent of before he killed it. Tracking was not his best skill but it couldn't be too hard to find the burrow with Tigertuft's help. With the possibility of a more successful haul back to camp he nodded to Tigertuft. "We're gonna have to make sure we keep the Clan fed. It'll be the only way we have a chance at dealing with other situations we can't control." Wispfang meowed in a low tone. The threat of wolves and lack of herbs would be something out of their control.

If they were starving while dealing with those factors DawnClan would look weak to the other clans. Wispfang couldn't have other clans making shrewd comments about them at gatherings. He sometimes struggled to interact with the other clans at gatherings because he was hot-headed and hostile. Wispfang shook off those memories, he had a clear situation he wanted to avoid and that was the clan having a shortage of food during leaf-bare. Sniffing the ground Wispfang looked towards the rabbit's point of origin.


Quick Reply


[ Alerts ]
●︎ Clans are reforming and are on high alert
●︎ The high water from melting has created a super green environment. Prey is rather plentiful
●︎ Water levels appear to be rising due the melting snow in Dawnclan
●︎ Weather is very warm, the snow and ice in Dawnclan is melting!
[ Rank Changes ]
●︎ A leader for Nightclan has been chosen! Congrats Skystar!
●︎ Thistletea has been appointed medicine cat of Oakclan

[ Deaths ]


[ Weather Status ]
The air is warm and and wet making it a bit hard to breathe. The hot weather is causing the snow to melt in Dawnclan territory. This is causing water levels to rise.

[ Prey Status ]
Prey is plentiful in all clans!

[ Herb Status ]
The rising water has hidden some herbs in Oakclan and Nightclan but water thriving plants seem to be growing in high abudance!


Leader: Silverbane
Deputy: Reserved (Ameri)
Medicine Cat: Frostbite
Toms: 0 She-cats: 0 Other: 0

Dawnclan Allegiances

Leader: Reserved (Kaz)
Deputy: Reserved (Wolfpool)
Medicine Cat: Thistletea
Toms: 1 She-cats: 0 Other: 0

Oakclan Allegiances

Leader: Skystar
Deputy: Reserved (smith)
Medicine Cat:Reserved (fireflake)
Toms: 1 She-cats: 0 Other: 1

Nightclan Allegiances

Rogues: Toms: 2 She-cats: 0 Other: 1
Loners: Toms: 0 She-cats: 0
Kittypets: Toms: 0 She-cats: 0

Outsider Allegiances


[ Staff ]
⬧︎ Tactical ⬧︎ Admin
⬧︎Mew⬧︎ Moderator
⬧︎Dofferz⬧︎ Moderator


[ Credits ]
⬧︎Site Banner ⬧︎ - Ravenmist
⬧︎Visual Guides ⬧︎- Tactical
⬧︎Site Advertisement⬧︎ - Wolfpool
⬧︎Discord Link⬧︎ - Finny
⬧︎Seasons⬧︎ - SkywardSylphina