Written in the Stars

safe and sound [p]


im sleepy

aelita 🌷 Avatar

aelita 🌷

Post by aelita 🌷 on Sept 18, 2021 14:34:49 GMT

she/her ✧ nightclan permaqueen

long after moon-high, the large queen laid beside her newly fostered kit, flowerkit. the energetic kit was so difficult to put down, but after a long struggle, she finally dozed off for the night. honeybriar was drowsy and half-asleep, the memory of flowerkit being born floated around in her head. it had been two moons since her mother had passed away shortly after kit-birth. she was there that night, assisting pansypelt's delivery alongside paletongue and the other queens. her heart sunk for pansypelt, having lost her mate not long before. the thought of the two being together now, in starclan, comforted her. however, flowerkit was an orphan. honeybriar was without a litter for several moons, so she took on the role of her foster mother. since she was not producing any milk, she ate borage leaves and, thank starclan, produced just enough milk for her to get by until she was weaned.

slowly but surely, it began to rain. due to her lack of smell, she couldn't sense it coming. a bright flash of lightning lit up the den and woke honeybriar from her half-slumber. she lifted her chin, looking around  the nursery with wide eyes. luckily, the den's intricate roofing was secure enough to protect them from the rain. she sighed a breath of relief, pulling the kit closer to her for comfort. the queen gently laid her tail on the kits ears to block out the incoming sound. then, str0ng thunder shook the ground and she winced. hopefully, it didn't wake flowerkit...

notes;; definitely didn't listen to safe and sound by taylor swift on repeat for this

template by smith
Last Edit: Sept 18, 2021 14:54:07 GMT by aelita 🌷

pinklapine#6969 on Discord
EST time zone


tracker - plotter

dawnclan: driftstorm
oakclan: wildfrog
nightclan: antpaw, honeybriar
outsiders: shade, minou

Global Moderator

don't mind me, just crying over fictional cats

mew Avatar


Post by mew on Sept 28, 2021 13:19:02 GMT

she/her • nightclan kit

The bright flash outside the nursery did little to bother the sleeping kit tucked away inside, but as her foster mother would likely lament, the rolling peel of thunder a few moments later had Flowerkit bolting upright. Her little body shifted in the nest, with her large ears flopping over as she popped her head up. Blinking at Honeybriar with twinkling eyes, she hummed cheerily, ”Good morning!!” Twitching one ear at the repetitive patter of the rain, she added, ”Is it raining?!”

Excitement electrified her body as she threatened to hop right out of the nest, though the warmth it exuded kept her rooted for now. Instead, the golden tabby decided to wiggle where she stood, attempting to win over her mother with a charm display. Prodding Honeybriar with a tiny paw, Flowerkit mewed in a somewhat softer voice, ”Mama, are you awake?”

notes:: i figured since she would've only known honeybriar from when her eyes opened, she just thinks she's her mom. even if others told her about her actual parents, i don't really think she'd pay it any mind and just focus on honey ^^'

format borrowed from
she/they | cst time zone | plotter

pollenpetal | 18 moons
thistletea | 32 moons
pepperpaw | 7 moons
carrot | 10 moons


im sleepy

aelita 🌷 Avatar

aelita 🌷

Post by aelita 🌷 on Oct 8, 2021 14:50:19 GMT

she/her ✧ nightclan permaqueen

as the nest shifted, honeybriar internally cried out, "please! couldn't it storm during the day? just one more hour of sleep!" alas, her slumber was unfortunately over as flowerkit woke up and begun asking questions. "good morning! is it raining?" with eyes closed, honeybriar pretended to sleep. maybe that would convince her to fall back asleep as well. "mama, are you awake?"

"no, baby. i'm sleeping. see?" she let out a soft snore and pulled flowerkit closer into the nest for a cuddle. "it's raining outside, yes. when the sky lights up, that's called lightning. that loud sound is called thunder. all together, they make a rainstorm." the queen began to tickle flowerkit with her paw. "the rainstorms come out when little kits aren't sleeping! i wonder... who could that be?"

notes;; none

template by smith

pinklapine#6969 on Discord
EST time zone


tracker - plotter

dawnclan: driftstorm
oakclan: wildfrog
nightclan: antpaw, honeybriar
outsiders: shade, minou

Global Moderator

don't mind me, just crying over fictional cats

mew Avatar


Post by mew on Oct 11, 2021 17:50:43 GMT

she/her • nightclan kit

Flowerkit gave a little squeak of delight as Honeybriar pulled her in close, the golden kit snuggling into the warmth of her pelt. It was cozy and she felt herself yawn, yet Flowerkit was determined to hear what her mother had to tell her. Rain wasn’t anything new to the kit, but the thunder and lighting was something she hadn’t recalled hearing up close before. It rattled her teeth and shook the nest when the sky boomed overhead and Flowerkit found it fascinating.

With a hint of excitement trembling in her voice under the patter of the rain, Flowerkit mewed, ”Puddlewish said that the ancestors can move water. Do you think they’re doing it?” She giggled with a cheshire grin before nestling back into Honeybriar. However, she still chirped, ”But that’s pretty tricky, Mama. Eveningstar could always make it hard to track the warriors in a raid if he let me stay up late one night. The rain would wash their scents away and hide the sound of their paws…” Flowerkit’s golden eyes twinkled as her lids began to grow heavy with sleep, occasionally yawning as she curled into a tighter ball. It wasn’t long before the kit had nodded back off, leaving the queen to mull over her clever little stratagem.

notes:: she's a tricky little thing

format borrowed from
she/they | cst time zone | plotter

pollenpetal | 18 moons
thistletea | 32 moons
pepperpaw | 7 moons
carrot | 10 moons

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[ Alerts ]
●︎ Clans are reforming and are on high alert
●︎ The high water from melting has created a super green environment. Prey is rather plentiful
●︎ Water levels appear to be rising due the melting snow in Dawnclan
●︎ Weather is very warm, the snow and ice in Dawnclan is melting!
[ Rank Changes ]
●︎ A leader for Nightclan has been chosen! Congrats Skystar!
●︎ Thistletea has been appointed medicine cat of Oakclan

[ Deaths ]


[ Weather Status ]
The air is warm and and wet making it a bit hard to breathe. The hot weather is causing the snow to melt in Dawnclan territory. This is causing water levels to rise.

[ Prey Status ]
Prey is plentiful in all clans!

[ Herb Status ]
The rising water has hidden some herbs in Oakclan and Nightclan but water thriving plants seem to be growing in high abudance!


Leader: Silverbane
Deputy: Reserved (Ameri)
Medicine Cat: Frostbite
Toms: 0 She-cats: 0 Other: 0

Dawnclan Allegiances

Leader: Reserved (Kaz)
Deputy: Reserved (Wolfpool)
Medicine Cat: Thistletea
Toms: 1 She-cats: 0 Other: 0

Oakclan Allegiances

Leader: Skystar
Deputy: Reserved (smith)
Medicine Cat:Reserved (fireflake)
Toms: 1 She-cats: 0 Other: 1

Nightclan Allegiances

Rogues: Toms: 2 She-cats: 0 Other: 1
Loners: Toms: 0 She-cats: 0
Kittypets: Toms: 0 She-cats: 0

Outsider Allegiances


[ Staff ]
⬧︎ Tactical ⬧︎ Admin
⬧︎Mew⬧︎ Moderator
⬧︎Dofferz⬧︎ Moderator


[ Credits ]
⬧︎Site Banner ⬧︎ - Ravenmist
⬧︎Visual Guides ⬧︎- Tactical
⬧︎Site Advertisement⬧︎ - Wolfpool
⬧︎Discord Link⬧︎ - Finny
⬧︎Seasons⬧︎ - SkywardSylphina